The Good News, in good South Louisiana and Christwood tradition, is about food. In our cautious efforts to return to normal, or as near normal as we remember, we’re initiating a few changes in the Harvest Dining Room. Dine in, with some restrictions, will be possible. Takeout and delivery will continue. Cautious baby steps are utilized because dining and drinking venues (restaurants and bars) continue to be high risk places for transmitting the virus. Consider, as we have heard aplenty, it’s hard to eat and drink with a mask. The risk is obviously lower at Christwood with such a high percentage of residents having been vaccinated.
We are also, in the good news category, loosening the restrictions on visitors in Independent Living, where we are governed by best practices and, we hope, good sense. Visitation in the Health Center is directed by the State’s Department of Health. Visitation there continues but in a more restricted way. In independent residences, we are open to two adult (18 and older) visitors per residence at a time from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. seven days a week. The guiding principle here is limiting the exposure to other residents. As the situation changes, as no doubt it will, further adjustments will be made.
We’re reading articles, following the advisories and directives from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the mandates from the Louisiana Department of Health, and participating in “best practices” exchanges for not-for-profit communities such as ours. Some of the common themes and advisories of long-standing benefit continue to be what we have been publishing: Wear a Mask (now with the new variants some advocate two masks, not just a cotton washable one) continued physical distancing, avoiding crowds and relying on small groups of trusted family members and friends, (preferably out of doors), and hand washing and sanitizing.
On another matter, we appreciate the installation of the Labyrinth on the hill across from Assisted Living. This ancient spiritual design inviting people to walk to a center for peacefulness and wholeness is made of natural materials which, when scattered over time, will carry the intentions of those who make the walk to be one with the creation. That’s a nice thought.
On balance, if we are not at the beginning of the end, we are at least, as they say, at the end of the beginning. Stay alert, stay safe, and stay well.